viernes, 30 de mayo de 2008

My personal life... I love you

HI, my name is Marian Guerrero but everybody call me "La consentida", I'm from Maracaibo, I live in sabaneta.. I'm 17 years old and I study law at Urbe,

I love principally my boyfriend. I like listening to music, the dance, play volleiball, cookies and coffee, candy and my rabbit..

I hate the kidnappings, the injustices and many physical abuse, mental and psychological mistreatment to women and children..

My dream is to reach my studies with honors of being one of the best attorneys of the world, nevertheless one of my better dreams is to construct a family with the man mas beautifully of the world, I am very happy...

My opinion about English the english is a dynamic and interesting subject, although It does not call me to much attention, but I am interested of learn it.

****Good commentaries*******

1 comentario:

ewin p dijo...

gracias por ser lo principal en tu vida aunq no lo creas tu eres todo en mi vida gracias por compartir tantos momentos conmigo te amo